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The Ultimate Role Model

The Ultimate Role Model

Jesus should be #1 on your list


The question today is "Who is our role model?"


Philippians 3:17 (NASB) “Brothers and sisters, join in following my example, and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us.”


Notice “pattern” in Greek “too`-pos” simply means “model” 


The Popular Picks


Sports figures, rock stars, movie celebrities - these are some of the most popular role model choices nowadays. You've got your Michael Jordans, your Taylor Swifts, your Tom Cruises. And hey, I get it - they're rich, famous, and living what seems like a dream life.


Michael Jordan is widely regarded as the greatest basketball player of all time. Here is a synopsis of his life and career:

Early Life and College

Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. He grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina and attended the University of North Carolina, where he hit the game-winning shot in the 1982 NCAA championship game as a freshman.

NBA Career Highlights

  • Drafted 3rd overall by the Chicago Bulls in 1984
  • 5-time NBA MVP (1988, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1998)
  • 6-time NBA champion (1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998) with the Chicago Bulls
  • 10-time NBA scoring champion
  • 14-time NBA All-Star
  • Credited with globalizing the NBA and making it a popular international phenomenon
  • Known for his intense competitiveness, work ethic, and clutch performances
  • Had a brief stint in professional baseball in 1994 after his father's murder

Impact and Legacy

Jordan transcended basketball and became a global cultural icon and marketing juggernaut through his Air Jordan brand with Nike. He is considered one of the most famous and influential athletes of all time. Jordan's intense drive, skills, and flair for the dramatic made him a beloved figure who inspired millions around the world.


Taylor Swift has achieved unparalleled commercial success and critical acclaim in the current pop music landscape. She is consistently ranked among the most popular and highest-earning artists globally. 

Key Points

  • Swift has broken numerous records, including being the highest-earning female musician of all time and having the most Billboard Music Award wins by an artist. 
  • Her versatility in transitioning from country to pop while maintaining a massive fanbase is unmatched. Songs like "Shake It Off" and "Blank Space" became global anthems. 
  • Swift's narrative songwriting style has deeply resonated with fans, allowing her to forge an intimate connection. Her ability to evolve artistically while retaining authenticity is remarkable. 
  • Beyond music, Swift is an influential cultural figure, using her platform for advocacy and empowerment. Her impact transcends just the pop genre. 

While legends like Michael Jackson  and contemporary stars like Beyoncé, Ariana Grande, and Harry Styles  have massive fanbases, Taylor Swift's current level of influence, both commercially and culturally, stands out based on the evidence provided in the search results. Her ability to stay atop the pop world for over a decade solidifies her as the most influential pop star of today.


Tom Cruise's Enduring Influence

  • Tom Cruise is consistently ranked at the very top by audiences when asked which actors would make them go to the theater to see a new movie. His star power and ability to "open" a film remains unmatched.
  • At age 60, Cruise's longevity and sustained box office pull over a 40-year career is unprecedented. He has transitioned seamlessly from a young leading man to an elder statesman of Hollywood.
  • Despite his personal life, Cruise's work ethic and commitment to his craft is widely admired. He continues to take on physically demanding roles and does many of his own stunts.
  • The Mission: Impossible franchise, which Cruise stars in and produces, remains one of the most successful and influential action film series of the last two decades.

While other actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, Denzel Washington, and Brad Pitt are also considered among the most bankable movie stars today, Cruise's unparalleled ability to consistently draw audiences to theaters after 4 decades makes him the most influential Hollywood star currently based on the evidence provided.His enduring popularity, commercial success, and respect within the industry cement Tom Cruise as the most powerful and influential movie star working in Hollywood today.


But let me ask you this - is that really what we want to model our lives after? Chasing money, fame and excess? There's got to be more to life than that, right? As Jesus said, "For what does it benefit a person to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36)


What We Really Desire


The Bible tells us in Psalm 78:7-8 to "put their confidence in God...not forget his deeds but keep his commands." Now there's a role model for you! An all-powerful, all-loving, and infinitely wise Creator. If I was given the job of influencing others on role model picks, I'd point them straight to the “Big Guy upstairs”.


Who is the “Big Guy Upstairs”, on a personal sense, to you.


"The Big Guy Upstairs" is a colloquial phrase referring to God.The key points are:

  • "The Big Guy Upstairs" is an informal, conversational way some people refer to God, portraying Him as a distant, impersonal figure residing somewhere above.
  • The book "The Big Guy Upstairs: You, Him, and How It All Works" by Pastor Rob Strong challenges this casual, detached view of God. Strong argues that many people have a skewed perception of who God really is - seeing Him as angry, uncaring, distant, or judgmental.
  • In the children's book of the same name, a young boy named Johnny overhears his grandmother using the phrase "The Big Guy Upstairs" in reference to God. His grandmother then explains that God is not some distant figure but lives in Johnny's heart.
  • The books aim to provide a more personal, loving, and involved understanding of God, contrasting the casual "Big Guy Upstairs" portrayal.

So in summary, while "The Big Guy Upstairs" is a commonly used informal phrase referring to God, the books highlighted in the search results present it as an inaccurate, detached view that misrepresents God's true nature and desire for a personal relationship with humanity.


But how do we model ourselves after God? By looking at four key areas:


  1. Steadfastness of Character


Who are you at your core? What defines your character? We're called to be blameless, pure, and children of God (Philippians 2:15). Having steadfast, godly character means self-mastery, chastity, honesty, dependability, fairness, justice and moral courage.


Think about it - if Captain America had bad character, he'd just be a jerk in a onesie. It's his integrity that makes him truly heroic! Like when he refused to obey unjust orders in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.


Jesus Himself is the ultimate example of steadfast character. He was "tempted in every way, yet without sin" (Hebrews 4:15). Even when facing persecution, He responded with grace and truth.


  1. Steadfastness in Conduct


Our actions should reflect our character. As the old saying goes, "You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips." We're called to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14) - living examples that point others to God.


It's like that time Superman stopped a train wreck in Superman (1978). Sure, he has cool powers, but it's using them to help others that makes him super!


The Bible gives us the example of Enoch, who "walked faithfully with God" (Genesis 5:24). His conduct was so pleasing to God that he didn't even experience death!


  1. Steadfastness in Conviction


What do you really believe in? As Christians, we must be convicted in biblical truths like salvation by grace, God's judgment of sin, and the importance of the local church. Circumstances don't dictate our convictions - God's Word does.


It's like that time Spider-Man took off his mask in Spider-Man 2. His conviction to use his powers responsibly didn't waver, even when his identity was exposed. That's real heroism!


Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? When threatened with death for not worshipping idols, they took a stand saying "...we will not serve your gods" (Daniel 3:18). Their convictions were steadfast!


  1. Steadfastness in Conflict


When the going gets tough, the tough get...steadfast! God has always looked for men and women to stand firm for Him, even in the face of opposition (Ephesians 6:10-17) [The Armor Of God]. We're called to endure hardship like good soldiers of Christ (2 Timothy 4:7).


Remember when Batman kept fighting despite being outmatched by Bane in The Dark Knight Rises? Or when Frodo carried that terrible burden all the way to Mordor in The Lord of the Rings? Their steadfastness is inspiring!


The prophet Jeremiah is a powerful example of steadfastness during conflict. Despite being persecuted, imprisoned, and threatened, he remained faithful in delivering God's Word (Jeremiah 20:9).


The Ultimate Role Model


So in our search for role models, let's look no further than Jesus Christ Himself. He embodies steadfast character, conduct, conviction and perseverance perfectly. And get this - not only is He the best role model, He empowers us to become more like Him daily through His Spirit!


Why chase after fading celebrities when you can model the unfading glory of the Son of God? As 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory...


"Now that's a role model worth following!