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What Is My Calling
Created To Be

Embracing the Concept of Your Calling


Opening Illustration:

Ladies and gentlemen, picture this: You're handed a beautifully wrapped gift with a bow on top, and you're told it contains something unique and wonderful just for you. Naturally, your curiosity is piqued. You unwrap it eagerly, only to find an instruction manual that says, "Assembly Required."

Feeling a bit daunted, you start piecing together this mysterious gift, realizing it's not just any ordinary present. It's a custom-made, intricate model of an incredible invention, designed specifically with you in mind. The more you work on it, the more you discover its complexities and realize its potential.

Now, imagine this invention is your life. The instruction manual is God's Word, and the intricate design represents the unique calling God has prepared for you. As we delve into the concept of our calling today, inspired by Dr. Tony Evans and Billy Graham, let's unwrap this divine gift together, understanding that, yes, assembly is required, but the end result is a masterpiece crafted by the Creator Himself.

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:10 (NASB)
"10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them."

  1. Understanding Your Divine Design:

May I suggest that each of us is God's masterpiece, created with intention and purpose. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God’s handiwork, crafted in Christ Jesus to fulfill good works that He has prepared for us. This means that before we were even born, God had a specific plan and purpose for our lives.

Let’s camp out a minute on this verse:

Context and Meaning:

Ephesians 2:10 is a powerful verse that emphasizes the purpose and identity of believers in Christ. To fully understand its depth, let's break it down phrase by phrase:


  1. "For we are His workmanship":
  • Workmanship: The Greek word for workmanship is "poiēma," which can also be translated as "masterpiece" or "creation." This suggests that we are not merely accidental beings, but we are intentionally and intricately crafted by God.
  • Implication: This signifies that our lives are a result of God's deliberate and skillful creation. We are valuable and significant because we are the handiwork of the Creator.


  1. "Created in Christ Jesus":
  • In Christ Jesus: This phrase highlights that our new identity and purpose come from our relationship with Christ. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are spiritually reborn and made new.
  • Implication: Our creation in Christ implies that our purpose and existence are now centered in Him. We are no longer defined by our past or our own efforts, but by our union with Christ.


  1. "For good works":
  • Good Works: This refers to actions and behaviors that reflect God's character and His will. These works are not just random acts of kindness but are purposeful deeds that God values.
  • Implication: Our lives are meant to be active in doing good. These good works are the natural outflow of our relationship with Christ and are intended to benefit others and bring glory to God.


  1. "Which God prepared beforehand":
  • Prepared Beforehand: This emphasizes God's sovereignty and foreknowledge. God has a preordained plan and purpose for our lives, including specific good works He intends for us to do.
  • Implication: Our good works are not left to chance. God has already planned and prepared opportunities for us to walk in. This gives our lives direction and purpose, knowing that God has a plan for us.


  1. "So that we would walk in them":
  • Walk in Them: The term "walk" in biblical language often refers to our daily conduct or way of life. It means living out these good works consistently and intentionally as a part of our everyday lives.
  • Implication: This phrase calls us to active participation. We are to live out our faith practically by engaging in the good works God has prepared for us. It suggests a continuous and habitual way of living that aligns with God’s purposes.


Overall Message of Eph 2:10:

Ephesians 2:10 (NASB) encapsulates the idea that as believers, we are divinely crafted by God and recreated in Christ for a specific purpose: to perform good works that God has already planned for us. This verse assures us of our value as God's masterpieces and calls us to live out our faith through intentional and purposeful actions that reflect His character and will.

By understanding and embracing this verse, we can find meaning and direction in our lives, knowing that we are part of a grand divine design, equipped and prepared to fulfill God's purposes through the good works we do.


  • Personal Reflection: Consider your unique gifts, talents, and passions. These are not random; they are indicators of your divine design. God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your calling.
  • Scriptural Support: Psalm 139:13-14 (NASB): "13 For You created my innermost parts;
    You wove me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will give thanks to You, because [i]I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well."
  • Application: Take time to reflect on your skills and interests. How can you use them to serve others and glorify God? This is the beginning of discovering your calling.
  1. The Importance of Alignment:

Let me emphasize the importance of aligning our lives with God's purposes. Often, we get distracted by our own ambitions or the expectations of others, but true fulfillment comes from living in alignment with God's will.

The Misguided GPS

Imagine you're on a road trip, excited to reach a beautiful destination you've been dreaming about. You've got your GPS set up, ready to guide you. But just as you start driving, you remember that your friend Bob gave you some "expert" directions last week. Bob is known for his, let's say, unconventional sense of direction.

Feeling adventurous and wanting to prove Bob wrong, you decide to ignore the GPS and follow Bob's advice. "Turn left at the big oak tree," Bob said. But you find out there are about five big oak trees along the way. "Take the second right after the weird-looking mailbox," Bob instructed. Turns out, every mailbox looks weird in this part of town.

After hours of driving in circles, you find yourself nowhere near your dream destination. Frustrated and exhausted, you finally decide to listen to the GPS, which calmly recalculates and leads you back on the right path. Soon enough, you arrive at your beautiful destination, realizing that if you had just trusted the GPS from the start, you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble.

Moral of the Story:

Our lives can be like that road trip. God is our ultimate GPS, providing us with the perfect route to our destination—His purpose for our lives. However, we often get distracted by our own ambitions, like Bob’s dubious directions, or the expectations of others. We end up taking detours that lead us away from where God wants us to go.

Just as ignoring the GPS led to confusion and frustration, ignoring God's guidance can lead to dissatisfaction and unfulfillment. But when we align our lives with God's purposes and follow His direction, we find true fulfillment and reach the beautiful destination He has planned for us. You and I must learn to trust God's GPS and avoid the unnecessary detours in our journey of faith.

  • Scriptural Example: Think about the story of Joseph. Despite his hardships, Joseph remained faithful to God and ultimately fulfilled his divine calling to save his people from famine. His life is a testament to the power of alignment with God’s plan.
  • Scriptural Support: Romans 12:2 (NASB): "And do not be conformed to this [a]world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may [b]prove what the will of God is, that which is good and [c]acceptable and perfect."

Notice that we aren’t conforming or transforming our minds. Someone else is. When God has all of us, and the world has none of us, God does the work of renewing our confused mind (through the Spirit). He brings our thoughts in line with His own so that we think God’s thoughts after Him (See 1 Cor 2:16)

  • Challenge: Are there areas in your life where you are out of alignment with God’s purposes? Pray for clarity and courage to make the necessary changes. Seek God's guidance to ensure that your actions and decisions reflect His will for your life.
  1. Overcoming Obstacles:

Discovering and living out your calling is not without challenges. Let me remind you that obstacles are part of the journey, and we must learn to view these as opportunities for growth and deeper reliance on God.

The Great Pie-Baking Adventure

Once upon a time, in the quaint little town of Pecanville, there lived a man named Larry who believed his life's calling was to become the greatest pie baker the world had ever known. He dreamed of creating a pie so delicious that people would travel from far and wide just to get a taste. Larry had his heart set on winning the annual Pecanville Pie Contest, where the prize was a golden rolling pin and eternal pie-making glory.

Larry's first challenge was finding the perfect recipe. He decided to use his grandma’s secret pie recipe. However, Grandma was so secretive that she wrote her recipes in code, using a mix of hieroglyphics, Morse code, and emojis. Larry spent days trying to decipher the recipe. Was "" supposed to mean "delicious secret pecans"? After several attempts that resulted in pies tasting like ancient scrolls, Larry finally cracked the code. "Ah, it was 'pinch of salt' all along!"

Next, Larry needed the rarest pecans in all of Pecanville, which grew only on the infamous and supposedly haunted Pecan Hill. Armed with a flashlight, a snack pack, and a playlist of motivational songs, Larry set out to conquer Pecan Hill. Every rustling leaf and distant hoot made his hair stand on end. At one point, he tripped over a root and ended up in a pile of leaves, flailing like a squirrel on caffeine. Despite the spooky sounds and his overactive imagination, Larry managed to gather the finest pecans and sprinted home faster than a cat on a hot tin roof.

On the day of the pie contest, Larry was ready. He donned his "Kiss the Baker" apron and set to work. As he meticulously measured ingredients, disaster struck: he sneezed, sending a cloud of flour into the air, which then settled perfectly on his freshly prepared pecan mix. "Bless me!" Larry said, not sure whether to laugh or cry. He decided to see it as extra flavor.

Then, just as he was about to place the pie in the oven, his cat, Whiskers, decided to pounce on a phantom mouse, knocking the pie tin onto the floor. Pecans scattered everywhere. "Whiskers, you feline fiend!" Larry exclaimed. But then he remembered his pastor’s words: “Obstacles are opportunities for growth and deeper reliance on God.” So, Larry took a deep breath, prayed for patience, and cleaned up the mess, keeping Whiskers in the living room with a distracting laser pointer.

Finally, with the pie safely in the oven, Larry felt a wave of relief. But just as the timer dinged, signaling the pie was ready, a small earthquake (or perhaps a truck passing by) made the pie slide to one side. It looked like a pie trying to do the cha-cha. Larry prayed again, asking for divine intervention to make this chaotic creation the best pie ever.

At the contest, the judges took a bite of Larry’s pie. Their eyes widened, and smiles spread across their faces. One judge even did a little happy dance. Larry's heart soared. He had done it! Despite the haunted hill, the flour explosion, the cat catastrophe, and the cha-cha pie, he had created something magical. Larry won the contest, securing the golden rolling pin and the admiration of Pecanville.

Moral of the Story:

Just like Larry's pie-baking adventure, discovering and living out your calling is full of challenges and unexpected hurdles. But remember, obstacles are not roadblocks but opportunities for growth and deeper reliance on God. So, when life gives you sneezes, cats, and earthquakes, roll up your sleeves, keep your sense of humor, and bake a pie that fulfills your calling. And never underestimate the power of prayer—and a good distraction for the cat.

  • Biblical Insight: Consider Moses, who faced numerous challenges in leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Despite his initial reluctance and the obstacles he encountered, Moses trusted God and fulfilled his calling.
  • Scriptural Support: 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NASB): " And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast [c]about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me."
  • Encouragement: When you face obstacles, remember that God is with you. His strength is made perfect in your weakness. Trust in His provision and keep moving forward in faith.
  1. The Impact of Your Calling:

When you embrace your calling, you not only fulfill your purpose but also impact the lives of others. So I am telling you today that our callings are interconnected, and by living out our purposes, we contribute to God’s greater plan for the world.

  • Community Connection: Your calling is not just about you; it’s about how you can serve others and bring glory to God. Reflect on how your unique gifts can meet the needs of your community and church.
  • Scriptural Support: Matthew 5:16 (NASB): " 16 Your light must shine before people in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
  • Action Step: Look for ways to get involved and serve. Whether it's through ministry, outreach, or simply being a source of encouragement, your calling has the power to make a significant impact.


Imagine a runner training for a marathon. They don’t just wake up one day and decide to run 26.2 miles without preparation. They train daily, pushing through soreness, fatigue, and the temptation to give up. They set their eyes on the finish line, knowing the journey will be grueling but the reward is worth it.

Similarly, embracing your calling is not a passive endeavor. It requires intentionality, perseverance, and sometimes, a willingness to face discomfort and risk. It means stepping out of your comfort zone and being willing to make sacrifices. Just as the runner must condition their body, we must condition our spirits and minds to align with God’s purpose for us.



Today, I challenge you to identify one specific area where you can step out in faith to pursue your calling. Maybe it's serving in a ministry, reaching out to a neighbor in need, or using a talent you've kept hidden.

Ask yourself:

  • What is one step I can take this week to move closer to fulfilling my divine purpose?
  • What fear or obstacle do I need to overcome with God’s help?
  • How can I realign my daily actions to reflect God’s calling on my life?

God has equipped you with unique gifts and a specific purpose. Don’t let fear, comfort, or the expectations of others hold you back. Your calling is not just for your benefit but for the glory of God and the betterment of His kingdom.


Heavenly Father, thank You for creating each of us with a unique purpose and calling. Help us to not only discover but to actively embrace our divine design. Grant us the courage to take bold steps, align our lives with Your will, and overcome any obstacles that come our way. May our lives bring glory to Your name and make a significant impact on those around us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action:

This week, step out in faith. Take that bold step towards your calling, even if it feels uncomfortable. Pray for God's guidance and strength, and trust that He will lead you. Together, let's commit to living out our God-given purposes with intentionality and passion, making a profound difference in our world.